The goal of the workshop is to provide participants with the proficiency to author reproducible research documents using Quarto, an open-source system for scientific and technical publishing.
The workshop aims to teach data wrangling with R using the Tidyverse paradigm. Tidyverse is a popular collection of open-source packages that share an underlying design philosophy, grammar and data structure.
The aim of the workshop is to equip participants with the skills to plot using ggplot2, which implements the concept of the “grammar of graphics”. This workshop is designed for those already familiar with R, particularly in data wrangling, but with limited to no experience using ggplot2 for plotting.
A lesson introducing the Snakemake workflow system for bioinformatics analysis. The Snakemake system enables the writing of reliable, scalable and reproducible scientific workflows as a series of chained rules.
Students will fill gaps in their statistical toolbox, think more broadly about analysis strategies, and develop your teaching skills to give you the confidence to teach statistical thinking and R skills to honours and PhD biology, ecology and medical science. 6-8 workshops. EOI closing date is 15 March.
It is critical for a scientist to understand what are statistical models, how they work, when they breakdown and how to tailor them to the scientific questions you want to address. In these two workshops we will practice how to use linear models for inference and prediction.
Are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level? Join our “Introduction to Git & GitHub” workshop, designed for beginners and professionals alike.
Over two one-day workshops (run remotely via Zoom), students will develop the skills and confidence to work with their data using R during their research projects.