BDSI R Training II: Building Transparent and Reproducible Analysis Workflows
Students will develop skills in statistical modelling, statistical inference and effective visual communication of their research conclusions.
Course type
BDSI R Training II: Building Transparent and Reproducible Analysis Workflows
Are you keen to apply your new R skills to gain insights into your research data? In this workshop, we’ll extend your data wrangling and data visualisation skills (using tidyverse) and develop a complete reproducible R workflow for your research questions using Rmarkdown. In addition to exploratory analyses of your data, we introduce statistical modelling, model assessment, statistical inference and estimation.
Workshop prerequisite: You must bring data from your lab together with at least one research question relevant to these data.
Friday 1st, Tuesday 5th, Friday 8th, Tuesday 12th and 15th September (5 sessions).
2 :00-4:00pm (DNA Room Robertson #46)
Registrations now closed
HDR students wishing to track points against this workshop can do so via Career Development Framework
For further information, please contact Dr Terry Neeman