
Contrastive Learning for Supervised Graph Matching

Deep graph matching techniques have shown promising results in recent years. In this work, we cast deep graph matching as a contrastive learning task and introduce a new objective function for contrastive mapping to exploit the relationships between matches and non-matches.

schedule Date & time
4 Jul 2024 2:00pm - 4 Jul 2024 3:30pm
person Speaker


Gathika Ratnayaka - PhD candidate from Computer Science
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Title: Contrastive Learning for Supervised Graph Matching


Deep graph matching techniques have shown promising results in recent years. In this work, we cast deep graph matching as a contrastive learning task and introduce a new objective function for contrastive mapping to exploit the relationships between matches and non-matches. To this end, we develop a hardness attention mechanism to select negative samples which captures the relatedness and informativeness of positive and negative samples. Further, we propose a novel deep graph matching framework, Stable Graph Matching (StableGM), which incorporates Sinkhorn ranking into a stable marriage algorithm to efficiently compute one-to-one node correspondences between graphs. We prove that the proposed objective function for contrastive matching is both positive and negative informative, offering theoretical guarantees to achieve dual-optimality in graph matching. We empirically verify the effectiveness of our proposed approach by conducting experiments on standard graph matching benchmarks


Robertson Building #46

DNA Room S104
46 Sullivans Creek Road,
The Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT 2600