BDSI Interactive Forum Series
From the earliest days of statistics, data science and life science have been deeply intertwined. Biological data science carries this forward to a modern era in which the methods for collecting life science data are increasingly automated digital sensors. This deluge of data is transforming life science research across diverse scales and domains. Biological data science, broadly defined, is key to this transformation, from molecules to ecosystems, and across agriculture, medicine, biodiversity and bioengineering.
This interactive biological data science forum series aims to transect domains, connecting diverse researchers with a common interest in biological data science. The purpose is to invigorate interactions among us through an inclusive (fortnightly) forum that promotes the exchange of knowledge. We strive to define biological data science in the broadest sense, encompassing theory, methodology and applications as well as biological data acquisition, visualisation and analysis.
Forums held weekly from 2-3.30pm on Thursdays at Robertson #46 (DNA Room S104).
To register a short presentation, please contact BDSI
All welcome to attend.