Why Host a Podcast? The Random Sample

Publication date
Tuesday, 5 Dec 2023

In this episode, The Random Sample switches things up a bit. The people who usually ask the questions on this podcast, our hosts, are actually our guests.

We explore why these researchers wanted to also become podcasters and what they’ve learnt along the way by hosting this podcast.

Our hosts turned guests for this episode are:

  • Rose Crocker is an applied mathematician with the Australian Institute of Marine Science.
  • Cynthia Huang is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics at Monash University.
  • Dr James Nichols is a mathematician and lecturer at the Australian National University.
  • Dr Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi is a Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO.

Our host for this episode is Peter Taylor, a Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at The University of Melbourne.